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We hope you will enjoy these maps. They are intended to serve as visual supplement to the Walk A Mile In Serge's Shoes lists for each novel. While these maps do not cover every, single step in Serge's travels, they do represent the majority of his adventures, as well as help illustrate the impressive scope of some of his more ambitious trips across Florida. Aside from highlighting places of interest, landmarks, theme parks, etc, the maps are also designed to show you a fair approximation of where fictional places (Triggerfish Lane, Mahoney's office, Hammerhead Ranch Motel, etc.) are located.
Please reach out if you spot a mistake, make a suggestion, or want to just make a comment. We'd love to here from you!! Contact us at . .
Cadillac Beach(Map 1) - Serge & Lenny's Exploits Before Their Tour Service - part 1
Cadillac Beach(Map 2) - Serge & Lenny's Exploits Before Their Tour Service - part 2
Cadillac Beach(Map 3) - Serge & Lenny's Florida Experience Route - part 1
Cadillac Beach(Map 4) - Serge & Lenny's Florida Experience Route - part 2
Cadillac Beach(Map 5) - Serge & Lenny's Florida Experience Route - part 3
Cadillac Beach(Map 6) - Serge & Lenny's Florida Experience Route - part 4
Cadillac Beach(Map 7) - Serge & Lenny's Florida Experience Route - part 5